Do you know Romania? They know Brasov, admit also as Kronstadt? Brasov or Kronstadt is one of the few old German cities in Romania, at the foot of the Karpaten. This beautiful old city lies in the middle in Transylvanien or Siebenbuergen. Transylvanien is the homeland of Dracula, the Romanian export hits for horror and Nervenkitzel. Many historical places remind at the counts Dracula. So the lock in Bran, admits as “Dracula Castle”. Bran can be attained only few kilometers from Kronstadt far away and comfortably by the house â € “Casa Romanita” in Brasov. Who does not have yet enough from Dracula, which can drive also to Sighisoara. Sighisoara (German Schaessburg, Hungarian Segesver) is a beautiful small town approximately one hour distant from Brasov and a mad trip goal. In Schaessburg one can find Draculas prison. Kronstadt does not however only have to offer Dracula. Who nature loves is exactly correctly here. From the accommodation “Casa Romanita” one can start mad excursion in the Romanian Flora and fauna. The Karpaten offers steep mountains and deep ravines, offers bears and breath-taking views. Transylvanien offers green meadows, tasty wine and the legendary hospitality of the Romanian women and men. Few kilometers far away from Brasov, find you a genuine secret tip. The homeland of wild bears. Visit from of Europe largest bear reservations. Observe the bears when eating, how they climb on trees and hunt in the game water. For the nature lovers it gives in the proximity also a Auerochsenreservat. They like it rather sportily? Then Kronstadt has also which for you. One calls the twin sister of Brasov Poiana Brasov, one of the largest and most beautiful skiing areas in the Karpaten. But the ski in the winter is not only madly, also spring, summer and autumn has its special sides. Discover on migrations nature purely in the Romanian alps. Who likes locks, equivalent two possibilities in the proximity of the house find “Casa Romanita”. The apartment is the ideal starting point for trips to the lock “Peles” and to the lock “Rasnov”. Lock “Peles” was the accommodation of the Romanian royal house with view of the wonderful mountain backdrop of the Romanian Karpaten. Who cannot enough highly outside, for that the daily trip is recommended to Casa Romanita to the Fagaras pass. Romantics call the Fagaras pass, “the pass in the cloudy”. And it is promised actually not too much. The pass road winds itself up to 2.014 m hears highly into the Romanian Siebenbuergen. One can find breath-taking views on the highest mountains of the Karpaten here likewise, like mad motives for photo with Romanian wild horses. A further recommendable day trip of their Logis “Casa Romanita” out, are the vulcano. The vulcanos are to be found singular in Europe and only in Romania. Visit they this singular nature play in the middle in the wilderness of Romania. Who wants something culture after all this nature, the singular military churches of Romania are recommended to that. Impressive church castles are the leftovers from the past, when German settlers protected their house and home from the encroachments Ottoman troops. In the time of the storage they pulled from their dwelling and referred their accommodation in this castles. Who likes only the city life, is exactly correct in Brasov. The house “Casa Romanita” is only 500 m far away from the historical city centre from Kronstadt. The landmark Brasov´s is similar an enormous signature at a mountain, from the world-famous Hollywood. Kronstadt is framed by a mountain range and gives to this city an impressive mountain backdrop. Kronstadt has hundred restaurants and coffee and in the summer and one can go on the road of the republic; in order to be seen and seen. Who likes it somewhat more peacefully, the black church is recommended to that. The black church is the largest protestant church of South-east Europe. Not to miss one should the Weberbastei and the first Romanian school, only few minutes from your accommodation “Casa Romanita” far away. Likewise of your accomodation it is a short way to the “cord lane”. Brasov´s cord lane is the narrowest lane of South-east Europe. What can one find in Kronstadt, in the heart of Transylvanien? Naturally your accommodation, which removes house “Casa Romanita”, only few meters from the historical old part of town center, in addition, that -Skiing area Pojana Brasov in the Karpaten -10 km -bear reservation - 10 km -Auerochsen reservation - 10 km -church castles -lock Peles - 30 km -lock Ranov -15 km -Dracula lock Bran - 15 km -Dracula prison in Sigishoara - 100 km -German cities: Schaessburg, Hermannstadt, Mediasch -Schlammvulkane -Fagaras pass - pass in the clouds on 2.014 m height |